查看完整版本: 惡靈古堡4(生化危機4) WII版

danny 2009-1-9 22:22

惡靈古堡4(生化危機4) WII版


遊戲ID : RB4J08
biohazard4 Wii Edition

Leon & Ashley Invincible ON C+Z
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
283320E2 00000060
10000328 0000009D
48000000 8043DA84
10000329 0000009D
E0000000 80008000

Leon & Ashley Invincible OFF C+B
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
283320E2 00000240
10000328 00000000
48000000 8043DA84
10000329 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Leon & Ashley Super Speed ON Z+right
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
283320E2 00000022
12000298 00004020
48000000 8043DA84
12000298 00004020
E0000000 80008000

Leon & Ashley Super Speed OFF C+right
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
283320E2 00000042
12000298 00003F80
48000000 8043DA84
12000298 00003F80
E0000000 80008000

Leon Size Big Z+down
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
283320E2 00000024
120000AC 00003FC0
120000B0 00003FC0
120000B4 00003FC0
E0000000 80008000

Leon Size small Z+up
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
283320E2 00000028
120000AC 00003F40
120000B0 00003F40
120000B4 00003F40
E0000000 80008000

Leon Size Normal Z+left
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
283320E2 00000021
120000AC 00003F80
120000B0 00003F80
120000B4 00003F80
E0000000 80008000

Ashley Size Big C+down
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA84
283320E2 00000044
120000AC 00003FC0
120000B0 00003FC0
120000B4 00003FC0
E0000000 80008000

Ashley Size small C+up
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA84
283320E2 00000048
120000AC 00003F40
120000B0 00003F40
120000B4 00003F40
E0000000 80008000

Ashley Size Normal C+left
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA84
283320E2 00000041
120000AC 00003F80
120000B0 00003F80
120000B4 00003F80
E0000000 80008000

Leon Walk Through Walls
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
120002C0 0000C3C8
E0000000 80008000

AshleyWalk Through Walls
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA84
120002C0 0000C3C8
E0000000 80008000

no partner
Leon Invincible ON C+Z
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
283320E2 00000060
10000328 0000009D
E0000000 80008000

Leon Invincible OFF C+B
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
283320E2 00000240
10000328 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Leon Super Speed ON Z+��
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
283320E2 00000022
12000298 00004020
E0000000 80008000

Leon Super Speed OFF C+��
42000000 80000000
48000000 8043DA80
283320E2 00000042
12000298 00003F80
E0000000 80008000

0 Saved
04337B0D 00000000

Play Time 0
04337B14 00000000

04337B18 05F5E0FF

Leon Infinite/Max Health
04337B24 09600960

Ashley Infinite/Max Health
04337B28 04B004B0

Leon InfiniteHealth
0409F984 60000000

Infinite Bullets
04035E28 38030000

Infinite Grenades/Arrows/Eggs
04034DF0 38050000

Infinite First Aid Spray
04034ACC 38030000

Infinite Mixed Herbs (G+R)
04034BBC 38030000

Freeze Timer
0409046C 38030000

Restart Timer
0409046C 3803FFFF

Perfect Results
0433B204 FFFF0000
0433B210 05050505
0433B214 05050505
0433B218 05050505
0433B21C 05050505

Enemy Mods

Leon Mercs ALLStage Enemy Modifiers

Ganado Are Monks
097F3790 06E7AF20
2010000C 00000000
097F3794 00664980
2010000C 00000000

Ganado Are Island Ganado
097F3790 09E10438
2010000C 00000000
097F3794 006296A0
2010000C 00000000

Ganado Are Villager
097F3790 06434A78
2010000C 00000000
097F3794 005B0B20
2010000C 00000000

Ganado Are 3Krauser
097F3790 084EFB20
2010000C 00000000
097F3794 0054AB60
2010000C 00000000

Enemy ChickenFile Swaps

Mercs Stage Enemy &
After the fight in Pueblo, return to this area to see him.

Chicken Are All GanadoDog
057F38B0 077CFE78
057F38B4 001CE7A0

El Gigante In Pueblo
057F38B0 079357B0
057F38B4 0060E860

Chicken Are All ?Veldugo?
057F38B0 07AB91C8
057F38B4 0041A5E0

Chicken Are Replaced By Saddler
057F38B0 07D8A4B8
057F38B4 000D6EE0

Chicken Are All chief
057F38B0 0813ACD8
057F38B4 0051E9A0

?Rihenara? In Pueblo
057F38B0 08282740
057F38B4 005F3C00

Chicken Are All The Island Security
057F38B0 086425F8
057F38B4 0008F000

Chicken Are Mike's Chopper
057F38B0 08709510
057F38B4 000562C0

Chicken Are All Arms dealer
057F38B0 06B4B8B0
057F38B4 000B6380

Enemy CowFile Swaps

Cows Are GanadoDog
057F3898 077CFE78
057F389C 001CE7A0

Cows Are All ?Veldugo?
057F3898 07AB91C8
057F389C 0041A5E0

Cows Are Replaced By Saddler
057F3898 07D8A4B8
057F389C 000D6EE0

Cows Are All chief
057F3898 0813ACD8
057F389C 0051E9A0

Cows Are All ?Rihenara?
057F3898 08282740
057F389C 005F3C00

Cows Are All The Island Security
057F3898 086425F8
057F389C 0008F000

Cows Are Mike's Chopper
057F3898 08709510
057F389C 000562C0

Arms dealer
057F3898 06B4B8B0
057F389C 000B6380


Attachecase Slot Modifiers

Handgun - Chicago Typewriter
047542CC 00000034
047542D4 633603E7
047542D8 06020001
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查看完整版本: 惡靈古堡4(生化危機4) WII版